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    Why Financial Statements are Vital for Business

    Why Financial Statements are Vital for Business

    Financial statements are vital for business as they

    • allow a business owner to focus on solving the particular issues that their business faces.

    • help to truly understand the issues impacting your organization.

    What business owners should expect from their financial statements.

    View Historical Data

    Your “core” financial statements create a snapshot of what has happened over the last period (month, quarter, year)

    Identify Issues

    Your periodic financial reports give visibility, and the information necessary, to solve potential problems before they occur.

    Build Transparency

    Financial reporting can allow your company to foster a culture of transparency, where employees receive more information about their company, fostering a greater sense of ownership.

    Assess Progress

    Because your reports are consistent, you can compare them between periods to assess progress. You can also compare results against your goals, i.e., “actual vs. Budget.”

    Allow Interactive Reporting

    Speak to your financial manager about the availability of interactive reporting. This allows you to model various solutions or growth options, using “what if” scenarios, to assist in strategic decision-making.

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